Golden Key Southern Africa is hosting our first ever virtual summit, Virtual Goes Viral.
Circumstances compel us to present this year’s summit as a virtual event. We believe the themes and programme structure will enable you to meet, connect, and inspire Golden Key members and alumni in South Africa and across the world.
Although networking in a physical space has its limitations, technology provides us with numerous tools that enable us to interact in so many different and creative ways. It is funky and fun! Let’s make the best of it!
Assessing the global impact of the Covid-19 pandemic remains a moving target. So far, its effect on the economy, health, and education has been devastating. It revealed our vulnerabilities at so many levels, but also showed our resilience and resourcefulness.
We can – and must – reshape the future and circumvent any obstacles that hinder our progress. Technology has been our saving grace in coping with the Covid-19 restrictions, but it is imperative to empower more people and enable broader access to tools that can narrow the digital divide.
GKSA’s Virtual Goes Viral Summit 2021 features seven streams aimed at preparing delegates for a changing workplace environment. The format includes individual presentations by expert in their fields, and interactive workshops. Below are short descriptions of each stream:
- Life skills that assist members in achieving their full physical, intellectual, personal, emotional, and social potential towards independence and efficiency when responding to life’s challenges, while playing an active and responsible role in society.
- Virtual workplace readiness comprises skills and behaviours that employers expect from their workforce to succeed in a virtual work environment i.e., effective, and professional communicators with excellent social and interpersonal skills.
- Service in a pandemic, which means to purposefully share experiences such as grief, pain, danger, change, joy, laughter, and achievement. It includes the spirit of Ubuntu, extending a helping hand to others and ask for help when you need it. The key is to live a life of service.
- Leadership during a pandemic requires characteristics that are indispensable in outstanding leaders such as effective communication, motivating team members, adapting to changing environments, delegating tasks, transparency, honesty, confidence, and a positive attitude.
- Career development for the future involves strategies to enhance employability; acquire knowledge; create concepts; improve skills; and adopt attitudes that equip professionals in managing their careers, i.e., their lifelong progression in learning and work.
- Communication skills that are essential in both a virtual and physical environment. Employees in the digital age must know how to effectively convey and receive messages and use communication tools such as phone, e-mail, and social media.
- Study skills are important transferable life skills that are useful in all disciplines, suitable for full-time and part-time students, those returning to education later in life, those engaged in professional development, and anyone that wants to learn how to study effectively.
This 2021 Summit coincides with GKSA’s 21st anniversary, which in human years, signifies an important milestone. In many cultures, it is customary to present a key on someone’s 21st birthday as a symbol of recognizing maturity, placing trust, and assuming responsibility. Therefore, 2021 is a significant year for GKSA, its student members and alumni in embracing our collective responsibilities and applying our leadership skills towards creative solutions for a better future, regardless the circumstances.