Golden Key – Issue 1
The 1st issue following the latest news, events and goals of the Chapter
Golden Key Alumni
Golden Key International Honour Society is the world’s largest honour society which identifies students based on their academic merit. Established in Georgia State University, Atlanta in the year 1977, Golden Key IHS has over 530 university chapters in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, The Bahamas, South Africa, United States of America and India.
Most universities in South Africa became Golden Key chapters in 2000 including University of the Western Cape. UWC chapter has since held Gold Standard, which is the highest ranked standard. The top 15% students that are identified in their respective fields of study can be assured of the benefits that come with being a member of Golden Key. These include, among others, scholarships, international leadership summit grants, leadership and community service. Also being a member of Golden Key makes a member stand out and this can be included in a CV.
A prestigious international society, Golden Key prides itself in three pillars namely academics, leadership and service (particularly community service). To maintain gold standard (and winning chapter award in 2019), UWC chapter has taken these pillars to heart and ensured they deliver. The chapter has achieved this through leadership training for Golden Key members, giving back to community as well as mentorship to students at large. In fact, Golden Key UWC chapter has a series of interesting events planned for this year.While we are privy of the current lockdown as a result of the pandemic that befell us, the chapter has taken the advantage of technology to fulfil the duties to the best of our ability. Book drive, collection of sanitary towels, Mandela Day event, and fundraising events are among the events planned for this year. Members have the privilege of volunteering to participate in these events. In turn, the volunteers are honoured by the chapter.
To engage with our members during this lockdown, the chapter will go live on our social media platforms where members can ask any questions regarding the society as well as how they can join once they receive an invitation. We usually have information tables set around campus for members to ask questions about the society. However, since this is not feasible in our current situation, members can connect with us on social media.
To the left are our social media platforms and we encourage members to follow us as we will be sharing valuable information about the coming new member ceremony which is the biggest event for Gold Key chapters throughout the world. Resembling graduation ceremony, it is in this event where new members are awarded membership certificates and lapel pins. Also the five remarkable students will receive awards and scholarships based on their academic performance, leadership and community service. This is the event every new member who has received an invitation does not want to miss.