Global Minds Ghent University – Short Research Stays (SRS) – Call 2024
This call for proposals is specifically tailored to researchers hailing from the Global South who aspire to undertake short-term research visits at Ghent University, ranging between 1 and 3 months. The primary objective of these research stays is to contribute to the advancement of sustainable development initiatives in the Global South.
As a visiting researcher at Ghent University, successful applicants will be granted a scholarship for the entire duration of their stay. Additionally, they will have access to office space and various facilities, including the university library, to support their research endeavours.
For further information regarding the call and the prerequisites for application, kindly refer to the detailed guidelines available:
It is imperative for applicants to secure a Ghent University promotor who will endorse their application. Should you lack existing connections with Ghent University, we encourage you to utilise their online research directory https://www.ugent.be/en/research/explorer/researchdirectory.htm to identify potential promotors. Subsequently, direct communication with the identified promotor will facilitate discussions regarding the feasibility of a research stay.