Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
Installed in the Portal do Sertão, the State University of Feira de Santana - Uefs was born as a result of a government strategy with the objective of internalizing higher education, until then limited to the capital, Salvador.
From the sixties onwards, government policies, both at the federal and state levels, began to be guided by the Theory of Human Capital, which understands education as a personal and social investment that generates economic development. Under the influence of this theory, in 1968, the Bahian government gave shape to an education policy (comprehensive education plan), aimed at expanding and expanding the education system at all levels, with the objective of training staff for the process industrialization. Thus, the process of interiorization began with the installation of Teacher Training Faculties in the main interior cities, headquarters of the administrative regions of the State, which start to act as geo-educational districts.
It is within the scope of this policy that Feira de Santana – a municipality characterized by the Comprehensive Education Plan, due to its economic and social indicators, as the most important polarizing center for the development of the interior of the State, – is still contemplated, in 1968, with a Faculty of Education and, in 1970, with the creation of the Fundação Universidade de Feira de Santana – FUFS – through State Law nº 2,784, of January 24, 1970.
Created under Federal Law No. 5,540, of November 28, 1968 and organized according to a project prepared by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies for the Public Sector – ISP – linked to the Federal University of Bahia, FUFS (as it was initially called) , has its structural plan based on the two basic principles of University Reform – that of non-duplication of means for identical or equivalent purposes and that of the inseparability of teaching, research and extension – choosing, among the structural integration alternatives offered by the Law, one that operates based on the articulation between departments and Higher Administration, eliminating the possibility of administrative coordination at an intermediate level (colleges, institutes or centers). Once authorized,the University is installed, solemnly, on May 31, 1976 , with the following list of courses: 1st and 2nd degree in Letters – English / French; Full Degree in Science, with specialization in Mathematics and Biology and in Sciences 1st degree; Full Degree in Social Studies, with qualification in Moral and Civic Education and in Social Studies 1st degree; and more courses in Nursing, Operations Engineering – Civil Construction, Administration, Economics and Accounting Sciences.
Authorized by Federal Decree No. 77,496 in 1976, Recognized by Ministerial Ordinance No. 874/86 of 12/19/86 and Accredited by State Decree No. 9,271 of 12/14/2004, UEFS has been expanding rapidly, concentrating its actions on central-north Bahia, territory that integrates the semi-arid, and is present in about 150 municipalities in Bahia, in fulfillment of its social objective, which is to prepare citizens who will exercise both professional and intellectual leadership in the field of activities propose, in terms of having social responsibility in the sense of being able to purposefully play their role in defining the destinies of Bahian and Brazilian society. The fulfillment of this social function makes it recognized as one of the most expressive Higher Education Institutions in the State of Bahia and in the country.
In December 1980, in the midst of a State Administrative Reform process, the Fundação Universidade de Feira de Santana – FUFS – was extinguished, through Delegated Law nº 11, dated 12.29.80, succeeded by the State University of Feira de Santana – UEFS – , Special Autarchy, created by Delegated Law No. 12, of 12/30/80. As a University, UEFS is committed to ensuring its realization as a free and autonomous space for the creation of knowledge, of dialectical coexistence and constant critical evaluation, becoming an integrated university in itself and in its region: it grows institutionally , expands the area of influence and performance, improves the academic process, consolidates the campus. The integration and participation of the group takes on another dimension and the university community mobilizes around its project.
Consolidated, in quality and excellence, is how we can define our university, since it has stood up to the most important ones in the Country through the serious and quality work that is developed by teachers, employees and students, and that has been reverted in credibility academic-scientific. The evaluations carried out by official bodies of the State and the Union, regarding the installed capacity for the courses that are offered and the installation of others, to which it has obtained, without exception, approvals with references, always positive, including, with regional and national prominence in terms of teaching performance, these approvals are proof that this University maintains the principle that it has always defended: the guarantee of a public, free and quality university.