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Université Rennes 2 UFR social sciences

The Rennes 2 University is the most important research and higher education center in the arts, letters, languages, human and social sciences in the West of France.

Created in 1994, the Social Sciences UFR now brings together 165 teacher-researchers, 23 IATOS staff and nearly 4,000 students. Located in Rennes, two training departments have a branch in Saint-Brieuc and are therefore present on the two sites: AES and History.

The training provided at the UFR Social Sciences meets the expectations of various audiences wondering about the transformation and evolution of society over time and space. They thus prepare students for their integration into working life. Internships, fieldwork, conferences and presentations of professional circles are an integral part of these training courses.
Students benefit from a computer, audiovisual, documentary environment: computer rooms specializing in cartography, remote sensing, statistics, etc. The UFR library includes a photo library and a map library of more than 40,000 documents.

All of the UFR Social Sciences training courses are open to international exchanges. Students are encouraged, during their course, to follow at least one semester of training at a foreign university. To facilitate the integration and education of foreign students, the UFR Social Sciences has set up a reception and personalized support for these students.

The UFR Social Sciences organizes continuous training actions and opens its training to new audiences through the VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience).

All of the UFR Social Sciences training courses are part of the LMD reform: License, Master, Doctorate.
The first cycle lasting three years leads to the Bachelor’s degree (two professional licenses are offered) while the second cycle leads after two years to the Master’s degree. The third cycle leads to a doctorate carried out within the framework of UFR research teams.

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