Malmö University
At Malmö University, research and education should be innovative, multidisciplinary, international, and safeguard the strengths and values that characterise the University. All education should meet the knowledge demands of both individuals and wider society.
Malmö University’s activities are to be guided by academic values, the principle of collegiality and student influence that promotes quality.
The University’s collective approach to quality is expressed through the quality system for education and research, which takes into account the various disciplines’ characteristics, differing views on knowledge and individual quality criteria.
All education at the University is to be of high quality and meet the demands for knowledge from both individuals and wider society.
Quality enhancement in education is conducted mainly at the study programme level but also across the University. This work is followed up annually, in part by the University’s education board. The University’s quality enhancement work is integral to all the activities at the University and based on the following cornerstones:
- quality of education;
- student influence;
- professional development of staff; and
- systematic follow-up.