Career Development Services (CDS) is a national initiative to bring free quality career information, advice and counselling services to South Africans of all walks of life.
CDS was established in 2010 following a decision by the Cabinet of the Republic of South Africa which sought to ensure that South African’s of ‘all ages have access to quality and differentiated career information, advice and counselling services throughout their lives’.
The preamble to the South Africa’s Constitution notes the importance of ‘freeing the potential of each person’ while the National Development Plan talks about the need for every individual to ‘embrace their full potential’. This embracing and freeing up of potential is critical to this nation’s development and transformation. As CDS we do not just aim to provide quality career and study related information and counselling services but to also contribute to the larger goal of assisting our people to ‘embrace’ and fulfil their potential.
Career Development Services offers a range of career related services for all South Africans of all ages. Our motto is that career development is from the cradle to the grave, therefore we aim to provide services to everyone irrespective of their age. Our clients are individuals who are at different levels of their career, they are looking to make career decisions and take charge of their own future. As CDS our aim is to contribute to the betterment of the country as a whole through our service, so that we contribute positively towards economic development.
In pursuit of the above we offer the following services:
- National coordination
- Career advice helpline
- CDS Outreach
- Khetha Radio programmes
Contact Career Development Services for any career related questions you have on 086 999 0123 or SMS/Text Message (please call me) 072 204 5056 or email careerhelp@dhet.gov.za