University of Hamburg
The University of Hamburg is a university in Hamburg, Germany. It was founded on 28 March 1919 by combining the previous General Lecture System, the Colonial Institute of Hamburg, and the Academic College.
The University of Hamburg in profile
As the largest research and training institution in northern Germany and one of the largest universities in Germany, the University of Hamburg combines a wide range of courses with excellent research.
It offers a wide range of subjects with numerous interdisciplinary focal points and has an extensive cooperation network with top institutions at regional, national and international levels.
Sustainable science
The University of Hamburg is committed to the concept of sustainable science and has broad approaches to sustainability research and teaching in all faculties.
Excellent research
As part of the excellence strategy of the federal and state governments, the University of Hamburg has performed extremely successfully and has been awarded four clusters of excellence: “Advanced Imaging of Matter” (photon and nanosciences), “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society / CLICCS” (climate research ), “Understanding Written Artefacts” (manuscript research) and “Quantum Universe” (mathematics, particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology).
Another key area of research is the area of “infection research”, in which the structure, dynamics and mechanisms of infection processes are examined in order to contribute to the development of new treatment methods and therapies.
Excellent university
In addition, as part of the Excellence Strategy, the University of Hamburg was one of ten universities and a university network to receive the status of Excellence University for its concept of the “Flagship University”.
Rich offer: over 170 courses
The University of Hamburg offers the opportunity to choose from around 170 courses in the following eight faculties: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Medical Faculty, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Psychology and Exercise Science, Faculty of Business Administration.
The university also has numerous museums and collections, such as the Zoological Museum, the Herbarium Hamburgense and the Geological and Paleontological Museum, as well as the Botanical Garden and the Hamburg Observatory.
About history
The University of Hamburg was founded in 1919 on the initiative of citizens of Hamburg. Important founders of the foundation were Senator Werner von Melle and the merchant Edmund Siemers. Nobel laureates such as Otto Stern, Wolfgang Pauli, Isidor Rabi, Hans Jensen worked at the University of Hamburg.Moreover, she can look back on numerous well-known scientists, such as Ernst Cassirer, Erwin Panofsky, Aby Warburg, William Stern, Agathe Lasch, Magdalene Schoch , Emil Artin, Ralf Dahrendorf or Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, to name just a few.