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The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology

Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology is a public institution in northern Tanzania based in Arusha City.

The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology in Arusha (NM-AIST Arusha) is one in the network of Pan-African Institutes of Science and Technology located across the continent. The NM-AIST Arusha, which is accredited by Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is being developed into a research intensive institution for postgraduate and postdoctoral studies and research in Science Engineering and Technology (SET).

The training in SET, however, incorporates appreciable doses of relevant humanities and business studies ingredients. Life sciences and bio-engineering is being developed to become one of the niche areas of the NM-AIST Arusha, taking advantage of the immense bio-diversity in the region.

The institution thus, seeks to stimulate, catalyze and promote intensification of agricultural production, and value addition to the various natural products (agricultural, mineral, etc.) produced in Tanzania and the Eastern African region. Other main thematic areas to be covered by NM AIST-Arusha include Energy, ICT, Mining, Environment and Water.

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