ENLIGHT Webinar Series: Discussing Diversity, Inclusion and Racism

This webinar series provides an interactive platform to discuss and exchange best practices and develop initiatives that foster diversity and encourage global citizenship. The sessions are open to staff and students of all ENLIGHT universities as well as their partners and their respective local communities.
For more details visit: ENLIGHT
Each monthly seminar (90 minutes) is hosted by one of the ENLIGHT partners. The schedule of webinars includes:
- Thursday, 21 October 2021 from 16:00 – 17:30:(U)Gent and decolonisation – a critical perspective (Ghent University)
- Tuesday, 9 November 2021 from16:00 – 17:30:Towards a socially safe academic environment (University of Groningen)
- Tuesday, 7 December 2021 from 13:00 – 14:30:Reflecting diversity globally – Imageries of the Global South (Göttingen University)
- February 2022: Supporting an ethos and culture of inclusion through the University of Sanctuary movement and programme at NUI Galway (National University of Ireland, Galway)
- March 2022:Diversity through La Pensée Blanche (The white thought) – the limits of a conversation? (Uppsala University)
- Thursday, 14 April 2022: Diversity and discrimination at the university: from recognition to consideration (University of Bordeaux)