The DSI will present their new Intra Africa Mobility Programme, which the DAAD is involved in developing in an advisory capacity.
The DAAD together with the Department of Science and Innovation South Africa (DSI) will be hosting a virtual Info Session:
Date: Friday, 8 October 2021
Time: 12:00-14:00
The DSI will present their new Intra Africa Mobility Programme, which the DAAD is involved in developing in an advisory capacity. The aim is to motivate South African academics (Master’s degree and above) to be mobile on the continent of Africa and not to automatically leave the continent for the global North.
Participants will get first-hand Information from our DAAD experts as well as our partners from the South African Department of Science & Innovation about various funding opportunities on the African continent. We will present all open calls (Global Centres, Subject Centres, SDG Graduate Schools, SP/DL). This will be done after we have briefly presented the German African collaborations.
There will also be an opportunity to hear from DSI and DAAD Alumni, who will share valuable information on their experiences.
See attached flyer and links below for more information on the event, speakers, and registration.
- Download the Intra Africa Mobility Programme here
- DAAD-DSI Intra Africa Mobility Funding (reflact.com)
- https://www.daad.org.za/en/2021/09/23/intra-africa-mobility-programme/
- https://www.daad.org.za/en/about-us/online-info-sessions/upcoming-online-info-sessions/
Kind regards,
DAAD Information Centre Johannesburg
German Academic Exchange Service
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Email: daad@wits.ac.za