
UWC is a unique and prestigious destination for research, student and staff mobility, and scholarly connection in South Africa and Africa.

UWC’s focus to deepen mutually beneficial engagements with long-term partners, as well as expand connections with new partners for research is evident with a growing body of co-authored publications. Research outputs with partner institutions, like the University of Missouri and Ghent University, are testimony to our growing stature as an African-centred, research-intensive university.

UWC’s global profile has manifested in opportunities for our staff to jointly pursue research funding, establish joint PhD and other programmes, and foster postgraduate student development with international colleagues. With exposure to an international context, the horizons of possibility expand for our staff and students, ensuring that they are equipped to participate in the global knowledge economy.

Strategic Partnerships

UWC’s internationalisation strategy is to partner with institutions across a wide spectrum of research areas and academic programmes, with the goal of deepened connections with institutions in long term sustainable relationships, that aim to create new knowledge, build on existing scholarship and collaboratively address the global challenges facing humanity.


UWC’s internationalisation strategy is to partner with institutions across a wide spectrum of research areas and academic programmes, with the goal of deepened connections with institutions in long term sustainable relationships, that aim to create new knowledge, build on existing scholarship and collaboratively address the global challenges facing humanity.

Co-operation Opportunities

With exposure to an international context, the horizons of possibility expand for our students and staff, ensuring they are capable and equipped to participate in the global knowledge economy.

Co-operation agreements (MOU)

The foci for internationalisation is to establish resilient North-South partnerships – cooperative engagements that enhance quality of knowledge production, development of thoughtful, socially responsive scholars who are committed to using education to transform and improve the lives of the marginalised and vulnerable in the world.